FracTracker Kudos
Where have our insights been used to inform research on energy-related issues? Check out our kudos below for a list of selected works that cite FracTracker Alliance.
- Adams, J., Schütz, T., & Fortun, K. (2023). Late Industrialism, Advocacy, and Law: Relays Toward Just Transition. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 17(4), 462-493.
- George, B. (2023, July). Articulating Environmental & Human Health in the Rust Belt. In 2023 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm) (pp. 121-122). IEEE.
- Gonzalez, D. J., Morello-Frosch, R., Liu, Z., Willis, M. D., Feng, Y., McKenzie, L. M., … & Casey, J. A. (2023). Quantifying the intersecting threats of wildfire and oil and gas development in the western United States.
- González, D. J., Morton, C. M., Hill, L. A. L., Michanowicz, D. R., Rossi, R. J., Shonkoff, S. B., … & Morello‐Frosch, R. (2023). Temporal trends of racial and socioeconomic disparities in population exposures to upstream oil and gas development in California. GeoHealth, 7(3), e2022GH000690.
- Gonzalez, D. J., Nardone, A., Nguyen, A. V., Morello-Frosch, R., & Casey, J. A. (2023). Historic redlining and the siting of oil and gas wells in the United States. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 33(1), 76-83.
- Jalbert, K., Dickinson, K. L., Baka, J., & Florence, N. (2023). Influence in the right-of-way: Assessing landowners’ risk decision-making in negotiating oil and gas pipeline easements. The Extractive Industries and Society, 14, 101276.
- Jalbert, K., Wasserman, S., & Florence, N. (2023). Scaffolding civic infrastructures: Examining the role of civic technoscience in public engagements with oil and gas pipelines. Energy Research & Social Science, 102, 103187.
- Lari, K. S., Davis, G. B., Bastow, T., & Rayner, J. L. (2024). On quantifying global carbon emission from oil contaminated lands over centuries. Science of The Total Environment, 907, 168039.
- Lin, W. (2023). Examining the Effects of Fracking on Groundwater: A Comprehensive Data Analysis of the United States Fracking Well Data Nationwide. Available at SSRN 4645124.
- Partridge, T., Barandiaran, J., Triozzi, N., & Valtierra, V. T. (2023). Decommissioning: another critical challenge for energy transitions. Global Social Challenges Journal, 1(aop), 1-15.
- Rosmarin, A., Curtis, L., & Brown, D. R. (2023). Weather-based evaluation of exposure to airborne toxins to nearby residents. Environmental Advances, 13, 100415.
- Batista-Lin, W.(2022) What Drives the Fracking Boom Crime Relationship? A FixedEffects Analysis of Crime during the P ects Analysis of Crime during the Pennsylv ennsylvania Fracking Boom, UMass Amherst ScholarWorks
- Bokka, H. K., Zhang, K., and Hon Chung Lao (2022) Carbon capture and storage opportunities in the west coast of India, Energy Reports.
- Bratman, E., Auch, T., Stinchfield, B. (2022) The Fracking Frontier in the United States: A Case Study of Foreign Investment, Civil Liberties and Land Ethics in the Shale Industry, Development and Change.
- Casey, C.P., Hartings, M.R., Knapp, M.A., Malloy, E.J., and Karen Lisa Knee (2022) Characterizing the association between oil and gas development and water quality at a regional scale, The University of Chicago Press Journals.
- dos Santos, R.M., Szklo, A., Lucena, A., Poggio, M. (2022) Evaluating strategies for monetizing natural gas liquids from processing plants—Liquid fuels versus petrochemicals, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.
- Gamper-Rabindran, S. (2022) America’s Energy Gamble: People, Economy and Planet.
- Malin, S.A., Mayer, A. Roeser, K. (2022) Collective Neoliberalism and Market Fundamentalism: Why Concerned People Acquiesce to the Oil and Gas Industry, Sociological Forum.
- Mujtaba, S.M., Lemma, T.A., Vandrangi, S.K. (2022) Gas pipeline safety management system based on neural network, Process Safety Progress.
- Njuguna, J., Siddique, S., Kwroffie, L.B., Addae-Afoakwa, K., et al. (2022) The fate of waste drilling fluids from oil & gas industry activities in the exploration and production operations, Waste Management.
- Raheja, G., Harper, L., Hoffman, A., Gorby, Y., Freese, L., O’Leary, B., Smith, S., Auch, T., … & Westervelt, D. M. (2022). Community-based participatory research for low-cost air pollution monitoring in the wake of unconventional oil and gas development in the Ohio River Valley: Empowering impacted residents through community science. Environmental Research Letters, 17(6), 065006.
- Shirley, L.M., Aprile, M., Bryne, H., Jessup, B., and Liu, S. (2022) Unwrapping Victoria’s general environmental duty to plastics communities: Synthetic statutes, Alternative Law Journal.
- Suastegui, E.L., Caldera, R.M., Yehia, Y. (2022) Just Transition: Rewiring Carbon-Pollutant Landscapes and Labour into a Community Forestry Framework, Architectural Design
- Zhang, K., Bokka, H.K., Lau, H.C. (2022) Decarbonizing the energy and industry sectors in Thailand by carbon capture and storage, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
- Zhang, K., and Lau, H.C. (2022) Regional opportunities for CO2 capture and storage in Southeast Asia, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.
- Andersen, S.O., Gao, S., Carvalho, S., Ferris, T., Gonzalez, M., et al. (2021) Narrowing feedstock exemptions under the Montreal Protocol has multiple environmental benefits, Proceedings of the National Academy.
- Badertscher, L. (2021) Impacts of Oil and Gas Wastes on Landfill Leachate, Sewage Treatment Plants, and the Environment, Duquesne Scholarship Collection.
- Denham, A., Willis, M.D., Croft, D.P., Linxi, L., Hill, E.L. (2021) Acute myocardial infarction associated with unconventional natural gas development: A natural experiment, Environmental Research.
- Donaghy, T., and Jiang, C. (2021) Fossil Fuel Racism: How Phasing Out Oil, Gas, and Coal Can Protect Communities, Greenpeace.
- Farrell, C., Stano, M., et al. (2021) Is renewable power reaching the people and are the people reaching power?, Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene: From (Un)just Presents to Just Futures, Chapter 15.
- Feldman, R. (2021) Lessors of Two Evils.
- Garfinkel, Adam H. (2021) Will Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Help us Explain the Developments Surrounding COVID-19 and Environmental Policy?, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado.
- Holler, J.L.R., Goland, C., Williams, S., and Purser, J. (2021) Growing Right: Pop-Up and Popular Pedagogies for Public Environmental Folklife, Journal of Folklore and Education.
- Kumambetova, N. (2021) Understanding of eco-shaming
phenomena in Kazakhstan, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. - Lehman, J. and Kinchy, A. (2021) Bringing climate politics home: Lived experiences of flooding and housing insecurity in a natural gas boomtown, Geoforum.
- Lewitsky, J., Astor, R., LoPresti, A., & Jaegar, C. (2021) Recommending Improvements to the Efficiency, Equity, and Sustainability of the Bus System in Melbourne, Australia, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Mangeney, E., Tawari, A.M., Vangala, S. (2021) Clean Energy Goals Driving Utilities to Accelerate Pipeline Replacements and Leak Detection Technologies, Climate & Energy.
- Nelson, J.P, Selin, C.L., and Scott, C.T. (2021) Toward anticipatory governance of human genome editing: a critical review of scholarly governance discourse, Journal of Responsible Innovation.
- Shah, R.K., Layth, K., Matipa, W.M., and Borthwick, F. (2021) Analysing Delay Impact from Potential Risk Factors on Project Delivery of Oil and Gas Pipeline: A Case Study in Iraq. Journal of Construction Research.
- Siebert, M. (2021) Atlas of Material Worlds: Mapping the Agency of Matter for a New Landscape Practice. Routledge.
- Simon, N., Raubenheimer, K., Urho, N., Unger, S., Azoulay, D., et al. (2021) A binding global agreement to address the life cycle of plastics. Science.
- Song, J. and Warren, J.L. (2021) A Directionally Varying Change Points Model for Quantifying the Impact of a Point Source. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.
- Strube, J., Thiede, B.C., Auch, W.E.T. (2021) Proposed Pipelines and Environmental Justice: Exploring the Association between Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Pipeline Proposals in the United States, Rural Sociology.
- Ziegler, C. (2021) Investigation of Ongoing Unconventional Gas Extraction and Underground Gas Storage in Pennsylvania: Regulations and Water Quality, Duquesne Scholarship Collection.
- Abdelwahab, M., Bohne, J., Choi, N., Couvrette, J., Davis, J., Esmenjaud, K., et al. (2020). An Innovative Take on Filtering Carbon Dioxide Through Cryopacture. UC Irvine.
- Able, C. (2020). Supercritical Water Desalination: Thermodynamic Characterization and Economic Analysis. Russ College of Engineering and Technology of Ohio University.
- Achang, M., Yanyao, L., Rodonjic, M. (2020). A Review of Past, Present, and Future Technologies for Permanent Plugging and Abandonment of Wellbores and Restoration of Subsurface Geological Barriers. Environmental Engineering Science.
- Atoufi, D.H., Lampert, D.J. (2020) Impacts of Oil and Gas Production on Contaminant Levels in Sediments. Current Pollution Reports.Atoufi, H. D., Lampert, D. J. (2020) Impacts of Oil and Gas Production on Contaminant Levels in Sediments. Springer Link.
- Baka, J., Vaishnava, S. Baka, J., Vaishnava, S. (2020) The evolving borderland of energy geographies. Geography Compass.
- Fabisiak, J.P., Jackson, E.M., Brink, L.L. et al. (2020) A risk-based model to assess environmental justice and coronary heart disease burden from traffic-related air pollutants. Environmental Health.
- Fisk, J. (2020) Natural Gas in the US. Environmental Issues Today: Choices and Challenges, Part 4: Energy and Environment, Chapter 17.FishGopallawa, P. (2020) Fatigue Failure Model for Local Roads in Ohio that Use Road User Maintenance Agreements Due to the Increase in Truck Traffic. Russ College of Engineering and Technology of Ohio University.
- Gusa, A. V. (2020) Control of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Produced Water by Inorganic Sorbents. University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering.
- Hess, D.J. (2020), The Sociology of Ignorance and Post‐Truth Politics. Sociological Forum.
- Hess, D.J., Sovacool, B.K. (2020) Sociotechnical matters: Reviewing and integrating science and technology studies with energy social science. Energy Research & Social Science.
- Hise, C., et al. (2020) Site wind right: Identifying low-impact wind development areas in the Central United States. BioRxiv.Homer, C. (2020)
- Homer, C., et al. (2020) Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001–2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Jacobs, Kelly. (2020) Lights, Camera, Action: How Have Issue-Focused Documentaries Influenced Online Public Attention, Mass Media Coverage, and Social Media Chatter Around the Issue of Fracking? University of Delaware.
- Kisiel, III, E. (2020) A Southern California Surfer’s Perspective On Marine Spatial Planning. Enviromental Law Journal.
- Lonnquist, S. (2020) The Influence of Legal and Regulatory Context on Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing Risks. Duke University Dissertation.
- Malin, S.A. (2020) Depressed democracy, environmental injustice: Exploring the negative mental health implications of unconventional oil and gas production in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science.
- (2020) Understanding Self-Rated Health and Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in Three Colorado Communities. Society & Natural Resources.
- McAlexander, T.P., et al (2020) Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Hospitalization for Heart Failure in Pennsylvania. Journal of American College of Cardiology.
- McBride, M. (2020) Too Big to Shale: How the Federal Reserve’s fracking bailout could yield economic and climate catastrophe. Climate & Capital Media.McJayaraman, S. (2020) Bite Back: People Taking on Corporate Food and Winning. University of California Press.
- Palmer, R., Short, D., Auch, T. (2020) The Human Right to Water and Unconventional Energy. Regulating Water Security in Unconventional Oil and Gas, Water Security in a New World.
- Partridge, T., Barandiaran, J., Walsh, C., Bakardzhieva, K., Bronstein, L., Hernandez, M. (2020) California oil: Bridging the gaps between local decision-making and state-level climate action. The Extractive Industries and Society.
- Raynes, D. K., & Mix, T. L. (2020). Induced seismicity, quotidian disruption, and challenges to extractivist ecocultural identity. Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity.
- Shappo, M. (2020) The Long-Term Consequences of Oil and Gas
Extraction: Evidence from the Housing Market. Job Market.Schaldach, R. (2020) Depletive Virtual Water Trade Embedded in the Water-Energy-Soil-Trade-Discourse Nexis. Kassel University Press.
Vilcáez, J. (2020) - Sicotte, D. M. (2020) From cheap ethane to a plastic planet: Regulating an industrial global production network. Energy Research & Social Sciences.
- (2020). Energy Security, International Investment, and Democracy: The Case of the United States Shale Oil and Gas Industry. Democracy and Security.
- Vilcaez, J. (2020) Reactive transport modeling of produced water disposal into dolomite saline aquifers: Controls of barium transport. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.
- Aben, T., Jacob D.J. (2019) Satellite discovery of anomalously large methane point sources from oil/gas production
- Ahamed S., Sperling J., Galford G., Stephens J.C., Arent D. (2019) The Food-Energy-Water Nexus, Regional Sustainability, and Hydraulic Fracturing: An Integrated Assessment of the Denver Region. Case Studies in the Environment.
- Casey J. A., Elser H, Goldman-Mellor S, Catalano R. (2019) Increased motor vehicle crashes following induced earthquakes in Oklahoma, USA. Science of the Total Environment, 650, 2974-2979.
- Clark, A. (2019). Demystifying the Elaborate, Greenwashed Performance of ‘The Wilds’. The Ohio State University.
- DeLeo, V., Kuei, B., Nigl, T. (2019) The Effects of Drilling the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania Addressed to: The General Assembly of Pennsylvania. Journal of Science Policy & Governance, 14 (2).
- Ferguson, M. D., et al. (2019).The impacts of shale natural gas energy development on outdoor recreation: A statewide assessment of Pennsylvanians. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.
- Ferguson, M. D., et al. (2019). What do outdoor recreationists think of fracking? Politics, ideology, and perceptions of shale gas energy development in Pennsylvania State Forests. Energy Research & Social Sciences.
- Garman, B. (2019). Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction in Ohio: Regulations, Production and Water Quality. Duquesne University.
- George, B. (2019). Communicating activist roles and tools in complex energy deliberation. Communication Design Quarterly.
George, B. (2019). Language and environmental justice: articulating intersectionality within energy policy deliberations. Environmental Sociology. - Haynes, E. N., et al. (2019). Public Participation in Air Sampling and Water Quality Test Kit Development to Enable Citizen Science. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.
- Herb, W., Milligan, C., Zeiger, N. (2019) An analysis of seismic activity as related to hydraulic fracturing and accompanying practices. Slippery Rock University, Computer Science Department.
- Ho, M., El-Borgi, S., Patil D., Song, G. (2019) Inspection and monitoring systems subsea pipelines: A review paper. Structural Health Monitoring
- Horwitt, D. (2019) Ohio Secret Fracking Chemicals: Records Show Widespread Use of Secret Fracking Chemicals Poses Risks to Water Supplies, Health in the Buckeye State. Partnership for Policy Integrity.
- Jalbert, K., Shields, D., Kelso, M., Rubright, S., (2019) The power to plan: mineral rights leasing, data justice, and proactive zoning in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Environmental Sociology.
- Konkel L. (2019) Where Does Fracking Wastewater Go? Socioeconomic Predictors of Class II Well Placement in Ohio. Environmental Health Perspectives.
- Malin, S. A., Mayer A., Crooks, J. L., McKenzie L., Peel, J. L., Adgate, J. L. (2019). Putting on partisan glasses: Political identity, quality of life, and oil and gas production in Colorado. Energy Policy.
- Analyzing the feasibility of fracking in the U.S. using macro level life cycle cost analysis and assessment approaches — A foundational study. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
- The impact of stakeholder engagement on local policy decision making. Policy Sciences.
- Orton, M. (2019) Risk Analysis of Shale Drilling Mock Trial: Shale we or Shale we not? The Yale National Initiative
- Pandey, S., et al. (2019) Satellite observations reveal extreme methane leakage from a natural gas well blowout. PNAS.
- Patel, N. (2019) Use of Landsat Satellite Imagery to Identify the Salinization of Soil due to Brine Spills in Northwestern North Dakota. The University of North Dakota, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
- Pinto, U., Water quality and chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in the dry zone region of Sri Lanka: impacts on well-being of village communities and the way forward. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (2019).
- Pratt, D. (2019). Unconventional Gas Extraction in Southwestern Pennsylvania: Complaints, Production, and Water Quality. Duquesne University.
- Smith, I.D. (2020) Ban or Regulate? A Critical Juncture in New York’s Fossil Fuel Regulation. In: Wood G., Baker K. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Fossil Fuels and Energy Transitions. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
- Stuckman, M.Y., Lopano, C.L., Berry, S.M., Hakala, J.A. (2019) Geochemical Solid Characterization of Drill Cuttings, Core and Drilling Mud from Marcellus Shale Energy Development. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 68.
- Troutman, M. A. (2019). Still Wasting Away: The failure to safely manage oil and gas waste continues. Earthworks.
- Varon, D.J., et al. (2019). Satellite discovery of anomalously large methane point sources from oil/gas production. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Webler, T., Holewinski M., Orrick B., Kaur R. (2019). Toward a method for the rapid collection of public concerns and benefits of emerging energy technologies. Journal of Risk Research.
- Xu, M., Xu, Y. (2019). Fraccidents: The Impact of Fracking on Road Traffic Deaths. SSRN.
- Zelleke, H. B. (2019). Hydraulic Fracturing, Radioactive Waste, and Inconsistent Regulation. HeinOnline.
- Arnold G., Nguyen Long, L. A. (2018). Policy Expansion in Local Government Environmental Policy Making. Public Administration Review, Vol. 79, Issue 4, July/August 2019, pp. 465-476.
- Beleche, C., Cintina, I. (2018). Fracking and risky behaviors: Evidence from Pennsylvania. Economics & Human Biology, Volume 31, September 2018, Pages 69-82.
- Bowman, P., Rathje, L. (eds.) (2018). Mobile Public History/Culture Work in Action. Journal of Folklore and Education, Vol. 5.
- Burnett, W., Mothorpe, C., Jaume, S. C.( 2018). Earthquake Alley: Unconventional Oil and Gas Development, Induced Seismic Activity, and Housing Price Impacts. SSRN.
- Cheon, A. Y., Urpelainen, J. O. (2018). Mobilizing against Fracking. Activism and the Fossil Fuel Industry, pp. 154-173(20)
- Cunningham, S. (2018). The Story of an Emerging Energy Issue: National Television News Coverage of Fracking in the United States. Environmental Communication.
- Currie, B.S., et al. (2018). Seismicity induced by wastewater injection in Washington County, Ohio: Influence of preexisting structure, regional stress regime, and well operations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
- Currie, M. E., Paris, B. S., Donovan, J. M. (2018) “What difference do data make? Data management and social change,” in Online Information Review. Emerald Publishing
- Cramer, B. W. (2018). The Influence of Topography and Fracking on Cellular Network Availability in Underserved Areas of Pennsylvania. SSRN.
- Currie, M. E., Paris, B.S., Donovan, J.M. (2018). What difference does data make? Data management and social change. Online Information Review.
- de Rijke, K. (2017). Produced water, money water, living water: Anthropological perspectives on water and fracking. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water.
- Dolan, F.C., Cath, T.Y., Hogue, T.S. (2018). Assessing the feasibility of using produced water for irrigation in Colorado. Science of the Total Environment.
- Garcia, D. (2018). When Risk Turns into Reality: The Canaries in the Oil Wells of California. HeinOnline.
- Geltman, E., LeClair, N. (2018). Regulation of Radioactive Fracking Waste. Vt. J. Envtl. L.
- Geltman, E, LeClair, N. (2018). Variance in State Protection from Exposure to NORM and TENORM Wastes Generated During Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy.
- George, B. (2018). Literacy, Praxis and Participation in Environmental Deliberation. Kent State University – Chapter 13.
- Goldberg, L., Murtha, T., Orland, B. (2018). The use of crowdsourced and georeferenced photography to aid in visual resource. In: Visual Resource Stewardship Conference Proceedings: Landscape and Seascape Management in a Time of Change. US Department of Agriculture, General Technical Report NRS-P-183.
- Goldstein B. (2018). The pertinence of Sutton’s law to exposure science: Lessons from unconventional shale gas drilling. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
- Gottlieb, M., Oehninger, E. B., Arnold, G. (2018). “No Fracking Way” vs. “Drill Baby Drill”: A Restructuring of Who Is Pitted Against Whom in the Narrative Policy Framework. Policy Studies Journal.
- Jacquet, J., et al. (2018). A decade of Marcellus Shale: Impacts to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The Extractive Industries and Society.
- Kinchy, A., Schaffer, G. (2018). Disclosure Conflicts: Crude Oil Trains, Fracking Chemicals, and the Politics of Transparency. Science, Technology, & Human Values.
- Kinchy, A., Phadke, R., Smith, J. M. (2018). Engaging the Underground: An STS Field in Formation. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, Vol. 4.
- Kinne, B. (2018). Regulating unconventional shale gas development in the United States: diverging priorities, overlapping jurisdictions, and asymmetrical data access – Chapter 2, in Governing Shale Gas: Development, Citizen Participation and Decision Making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe eds. John Whitton, Matthew Cotton, Ioan M. Charnley-Parry, and Kathy Brasier.
- Ladd, A.E. (2018). Fractured Communities: Risk, Impacts, and Protest Against Hydraulic Fracking in U.S. Shale Regions. Rutgers University Press.
- Lynch, J. K. (2018). A Fracking Mess: Just Compensation for Regulatory Takings of Oil and Gas Property Rights. HeinOnline.
- Malin, S. A., MacIlroy, K. (2018). Like Oil and Water in the American West: Water Market Access amid Unconventional Oil Production in Colorado. Rural Sociology.
Malin, S.A., Opsal, T., Shelley, T.O., Hall, P.M. (2018). The Right to Resist or a Case of Injustice? Meta-Power in the Oil and Gas Fields. Social Forces, soy094. - Malone, J., Winslow, T. (2018). Financial Assurance: Environmental Protection as a Cost of Doing Business. North Dakota Law Review.
- Marshall, J. B. (2018). From Land or from Air: Why a Unified Energy Resource Scheme Is Necessary When the Answer Is Both. HeinOnline.
- Martone, P. (2018). Induced Seismicity in Northeastern Pennsylvania. State University of New York at Binghamton, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
- Mayer, A., Malin, S. (2018). Keep it local? Preferences for federal, state, or local unconventional oil and gas regulations. Energy Research & Social Science.
- Ordner, J. (2018). Grassroots opposition to the keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska. The Right to Nature: Social Movements, Environmental Justice and Neoliberal Natures.
- Palmer, R.C., Short, D., Auch, W. E. T. (2018). The Human Right to Water and Unconventional Energy. IJERPH.
- Scott, R. (2018). Should we call the neighbors? Voluntary deliberation and citizen complaints about oil and gas drilling. Energy Policy.
- Silva, G. S., Warren, J. L., Deziel, N.C. (2018). Spatial Modeling to Identify Sociodemographic Predictors of Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater Injection Wells in Ohio Census Block Groups. EHP.
- Sosa, T., Asafay, Z. (2018). Atmospheric and air quality implications of C2-C5 alkane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Colorado State University.
Stults, J. F. (2018). Are Hydraulic Fracturing Jobs Getting Riskier? – An Integrated Approach to Risk Analysis and Data Analytics Using the FracFocus Database. University of Colorado at Boulder, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. - Tansey, E. (2018). Regulation Requires Records: Access to Fracking Information in the Marcellus/Utica Shale Formations. KULA: knowledge creation, dissemination, and preservation studies, 2(1), p.3.
- Thomas, C. (2018). Evaluation of Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Response to Fracking and Abandoned Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania Streams. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Theses and Dissertations (All). 1623.
- Thomas, M., Pidgeon, N., Bradshaw, M. (2018). Shale development in the US and Canada: A review of engagement practice. The Extractive Industries and Society.
- Tzompa‐Sosa, Z. A., et al. (2018). Atmospheric implications of large C2‐C5 alkane emissions from the US oil and gas industry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
- Wylie S. (2018). Fractivism: Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds. Duke University Press’s Experimental Futures series.
- Xu, M. (2018). The socioeconomic consequences of the U.S. fracking boom. Ideals.
- Ackerman Z, et al. (2017). Blast Zone – Natural Gas and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Causes, Consequences and Civic Action. Rachel Carson Council report
- Cecot C. (2017). No Fracking Way: An Empirical Look at Why New York Towns Banned Shale Development. George Mason Law & Economics Research Paper
- Clements AL, Griswold WG, RS A, et al. (2017). Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Tools: From Research to Practice (A Workshop Summary), Sensors
- Chittick EA and Srebotnjak T. (2017). An analysis of chemicals and other constituents found in produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California and the challenges for wastewater management, Journal of Environmental Management
- Czolowski ED, Santoro RL, Srebotnjak T, Shonkoff S. (2017). Toward Consistent Methodology to Quantify Populations in Proximity to Oil and Gas Development: A National Spatial Analysis and Review, EHP
- Esterhuyse S. (2017). Developing a groundwater vulnerability map for unconventional oil and gas extraction: a case study from South Africa, Environmental Earth Sciences
- Esterhuyse S, Sokolic F, Redelinghuys N, et al. (2017). Vulnerability mapping as a tool to manage the environmental impacts of oil and gas extraction, Royal Society Open Science
- Farrell C and Stano M. (2017). Is renewable power reaching the people and are the people reaching the power?: creating a just transition from the ground-up, Colorado State University
- Ferguson A, Warren JK. (2017). Salt Mining and Possible Future Problems in the Cayuga Lake Region: Integration of public-domain seismic with known salt geology, Saltworks Consultants Pty Ltd report
- Fleischman L, Franklin M. (2017). Fumes Across the Fence-Line: The Health Impacts of Air Pollution from oil & Gas Facilities on African American Communities, Report by NAACP and Clean Air Task Force
- Food and Water Europe. (2017). Ineos’ Chequered Environmental Track Record in Europe, Newsletter: Issue Brief
- Gallaher S. (2017). Policy Actor Beliefs and Behaviors in Contentious Policy Debates: Examining Policy Actors within the Statewide, Fracking Subsystems of Colorado, Texas, and New York, Thesis, University of Colorado
- Goldberg L, Murtha T, & Orland B. (2017). The use of crowdsourced and georeferenced photography to aid in visual resource planning and conservation, Visual Resource Stewardship, Argonne National Laboratory
- Hagen M, Azevedo A. (2017). Anthropogenic Enhancement of Earthquakes in the Conterminous USA, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection
- Heuer M and Yan S. (2017). Marcellus Shale Fracking and Susquehanna River Stakeholder Attitudes: A Five-Year Update, Sustainability
- Jalbert, K., Malone Rubright, S., Edelstein, K. (2017). The Civic Informatics of FracTracker Alliance: Working with Communities to Understand the Unconventional Oil and Gas Industry. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society.
- Jasechko S and Perron D. (2017). Hydraulic fracturing near domestic groundwater wells. PNAS
- Loomis J, and Haefele M. (2017). Quantifying Market and Non-market Benefits and Costs of Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States: A Summary of the Literature, Ecological Economics
- Malin SA, et al. (2017). Free market ideology and deregulation in Colorado’s oil fields: Evidence for triple movement activism?, Environmental Politics
- Majid A, et al. (2017). A decade of changes in nitrogen oxides over regions of oil and natural gas activity in the United States. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
- Ochandio R. (2017). Blowing up the Ocean (translated from original Spanish version), in “EXTREME: The New Frontiers of Energy Extractivism in Latin America” by Oilwatch Latinoamérica
- Rose TR. (2017). Rural Resistance and Fracking: The Impact of Community Expectations on Resistance Formation, Masters Thesis, Kent State University
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