Hydraulically fractured wells account for 2.3% of oil and gas production in Ohio. Most oil and gas drilling takes place in the Marcellus and Utica Shale region.
Hydraulically fractured wells account for 2.3% of oil and gas production in Ohio. Most oil and gas drilling takes place in the Marcellus and Utica Shale region.
By Partnership for Policy Integrity with mapping and analysis by FracTracker Alliance
Report finds the widespread use of secret fracking chemicals in Ohio poses risks to water supplies and public health. Learn more and take action.
FracTracker provides state-specific data on issues such as:
The data folders may also contain information on other energy generation locations, data from different years, and data on violations committed by oil and gas facilities. Amount of information and types of information will vary by state. Get data.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources provides data on horizontal Utica and Marcellus permits and laterals, horizontal Utica permits (for waste).
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